

Did you know that only 13% of customers believe that salespeople understand their needs?


Small businesses with outdated technology spend about 23% of their workdays completing manual processes like data entry.

That’s a ton of wasted time. 

One of the biggest hurdles companies face when it comes to software is “buy-in.” Resistance is a fact of organizational change.

This is why it’s important to understand how your team members view change and how it affects them. Take a look at these five viewpoints: 

Innovators – These are technology enthusiasts by nature, and they’re excited to dive in and figure out how new software can improve their existing workflows. Engage & encourage these innovators! They will be your champions of change.

Early Adopters – Like innovators, these users will try new software faster than the majority. Getting buy-in from this group is critical because their opinions influence how the early majority feels about trying the new tool.

Early Majority – This group is more practical in its approach to new software. The Early Majority typically waits until others vet the software. They want to know how new software improves their existing workflow before they feel comfortable adopting it.

Late Majority – These users will only adopt new software when they need to or when it becomes unreasonable not to. The Late Majority will use the software once you’ve made it a substantial part of your business operations. 

Laggards – Laggards tend to use standard technology and software as long as they possibly can. They’re often uncomfortable learning and using new tools. The only way to move this group may be to force them to use the latest software by eliminating legacy options.

The “buy-in” of the Innovators and Early Adopters in your organization is critical to change, big or small. 

Build a strategic plan to help your team perceive your changes positively. Create an understanding with your staff, engage them early and often, set specific goals, and update the team with your timeline regularly. Of course, we all know who the decision-makers are, but by including your staff you’re making them feel like they are part of the change.